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Lowdown Brass Band

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This interview features Shane Jonas (trumpet and lead vocals) and MC Billa Camp of the LowDown Brass Band. It covers the band’s unique sound, their influences, the band members, their history, their upcoming single and album, and their upcoming show at Denver’s Globe Hall on Thursday, February 8th.

Steve Roby: The Chicago-based Lowdown Brass Band is coming to Denver’s Globe Hall on February 8th, But before that happens, the group’s MC, Billa Camp,  and lead singer, Shane Jonas, are here to discuss their new single, album, and upcoming show.

Billa Camp: Hey Steven, thanks for having us.

Shane: Hey, Steve, how you doing?

Steve: Real good. Thanks for joining us.

Shane: Yes, sir. Thank you.

Steve: Let’s talk about the group’s sound.

For those who haven’t heard your music, it’s a mix of hip-hop, jazz, and New Orleans horns. You also bring a Chicago edge to the mix. How did this all come together?

Billa: Lowdown was originally influenced by the legendary New Orleans brass bands like Dirty Dozen and Rebirth, but also hip-hop artists like Ricky B, who merged hip-hop with a brass band. When the band decided to kind of incorporate me into the sound as an emcee, then that’s when we began to experiment outside of the traditional brass band sound.

It was very gradual because the band was split down the middle between traditional and modernization. But consistent touring taught us a lot about what the audience liked and didn’t like. And, what the audience was willing to accept from a brass band sonically, especially when you have “brass band” in your name.  So, it was a journey…